Start with the really nice desktop client (windows or mac)
Create your own private local repositories to get used to the process
Git 101
Caveat- I only have 20 minutes so don't expect this to be exhaustive!
The beginning
Convert your folder into a repository
Either CLONE (eg copy) an existing repository
... or INIT (eg create from scratch) a new repository
Tracking Files
Git will only track files that you ask it to
ADD the files you want to track (and RM --cached the ones you don't)
.GITIGNORE compiles a list of files or file types you never want to track
Making changes
Git keeps a history of all your changes
STATUS tells you which files will be changed
COMMIT the change and explain what you've done
LOG tells you the history of the changes to the repository
So far we've just looked at a local repository with no other contributors, but when collaborating, or working with a remote repository such as GitHub things unfortunately get more complicated...
Working with remote or collaborative repositories
A REMOTE is a link back to the original repository (that you cloned from)
You can FETCH or PULL changes from the remote then MERGE them with your changes
You can PUSH your changes to a remote repository
A FORK is a GitHub command for making a copy of an existing GitHub repository under your own account
You can then CLONE your copy, and edit it locally
You can to keep tracking the master repository, by adding it as a second remote
You can PULL from either your fork, or the master, by referring to the name or URL of the remote
You can only PUSH to your fork on GitHub
If you have changes you wish to commit back to the master repository, you can issue a PULL REQUEST
A branch is a way of differentiating between different "versions" of code such as stable versions versus experimental
You can CHECKOUT -b a new branch and then work on it separately
From then on in, all commits work only on the specific branch until you explicitly MERGE two branches
You can compare branches (and commits) with DIFF
As a new user you'll probably only use branches by mistake, when your changes have created one on GitHub
Undoing changes
Git is a version-control system so of course you can roll-back commits and fix mistakes
You can AMEND your last commit to add some new files to it
You can RESET HEAD a file from staging (the HEAD is a pointer to the latest branch that you're on)
You can REVERT to either the last commit or any commit in the branch history
Git Lesson Over...
Now the fun non-coding stuff
Finally some geospatial stuff!
Increasingly GIS packages are using GitHub for their source code, eg QGIS
Geopython is a useful collection of python libraries for geospatial tasks
Which means you can upload any valid .json file (in EPSG 4326) and it will render automatically on an interactive openstreetmap map courtesy of leaflet.js
You can implement versioning of your geospatial data using git*