A Beginner's Guide to Metadata

Jo Cook | Astun Technology

Hello! 👋

Welcome to a talk by the Data Discoverability team at Astun Technology

What is metadata?

Pixnio CCO

Why is it important?

So chatGPT knows that metadata is important for making data management more effective, secure, and efficient

Adobe Stock Photo

But it also...

Reduces risk and cost

Adds value, and encourages innovation

and helps others understand the data

👉 Serious example

The Internet


Alex Proimos, Flickr CC BY-NC 2.0

Some jargon

The Internet

eXtensible Markup Language

The most common format in which metadata is provided

Both a language and a file format

Takes the form of elements, surrounded by start and end tags that describe what the element is and what type of thing it is

👉 XML metadata


XML rules and validity

Rules on what should be in a metadata record are defined by schemas

A record can re-use elements from many different schemas using namespaces

A valid record must be both well-formed and schema-valid

👉 That record again


Schemas, Standards and Profiles

Schema: specifies the structure of the metadata, the elements, and the controlled vocabularies used

Standard: a schema that has been developed and maintained by a standards organisation

Profile: an extension to a standard, or an implementation of it in software, or both

ISO Standards and Gemini

The core standard for Geospatial metadata is ISO19115

ISO19139 is the implementation of ISO19115 in XML

GEMINI is an extension to ISO19139 for UK geospatial metadata

👉 Gemini Online

What about INSPIRE?

Yes, you still have to do it

#1 Identify key environmental datasets

#2 Provide metadata in Gemini format

#3 Make data available via web services

#4 Publish to data.gov.uk

Unsplash CC0 1.0

The intersection with Linked Data


Dublin Core/DCAT



🤔 Are metadata catalogs just for spatial data?

No! Other uses include...

Non-spatial datasets...

Detailed workflow recording...

GDPR records...

James Case, Flickr CC0 1.0

What is Q-FAIR all about?


- is just a hyphen





Copyright Eoin Sharkey

Where to start?

Get as much buy-in as possible

Tools such as Data Maturity Models help assess your current level

Frame it in terms of getting the best value out of your assets

But take it one step at a time!

Unsplash CC0 1.0

🚸 Novice Level

Keep it simple

Stick to a structure

Metadata in a spreadsheet is better than no metadata

Choose a few key datasets to start with

elPadawan, Flickr CC BY-SA 2.0

💪 Next Level

Don't reinvent the wheel

Adopt open solutions that aid sharing and discovery

Always be Q-FAIR

Don't let perfect be the enemy of good

wiredforlego, Flickr CC BY-SA 2.0

Whatever stage you're at...

We can help! 👉 astuntechnology.com


Any questions?

U.S Embassy and Consulates in Canada, Flickr Public Domain Mark 1.0

🙏 Thanks for attending!

We'll be sharing the recording with you all shortly

US Airforce

A Beginner's Guide to Metadata