Inspiring and empowering users and techies to become great writers

and why that's important

Presented by Jo Cook, Astun Technology | OSGeo | @archaeogeek

Hi! I'm Jo *waves*

I'm not a developer

and I'm entirely new to #devrel

but I'm here to talk to you about a problem with open source projects

Step One: Acknowledge the Problem

Projects are dying!

64% of the most active projects on GitHub rely on 1 or 2 developers to survive
Roads and Bridges: The Unseen Labor Behind Our Digital Infrastructure

and they are not very diverse!

The ratio of women in IT is about 17-25%... but in open source [it's] around 0.1-5%
Sustainable Open Source, Jan Lehnhardt

Documentation is severely lacking!

Lack of documentation is a highly effective barrier to participation... adoption and contribution
Riona MacNamara at Write the Docs Australia 2019 (via @knowledge_owl)
image via Peakpx, CC0

and you get people saying this:

My code is open source on GitHub, but I don't spend any effort making it easy for others to use it. If you want to figure it out yourself, have fun!
Redacted to protect the innocent
Bradley Howington, Pexels

Yet getting help is tricky:

Incomplete or outdated documentation is a pervasive problem, observed by 93% of respondents, yet 60% of contributors say they rarely or never contribute to documentation
Github Open source survey 2017

Step Two: Restate the problem

Open source projects are under-resourced, not well-documented, and don't attract diverse contributions

Step Three: Consider possible solutions

Find more resources

Long-term support is more about creating time than it is about money
Roads and Bridges: The Unseen Labor Behind Our Digital Infrastructure

Particularly for documentation

Documentation is highly valued, frequently overlooked, and a means for establishing inclusive and accessible communities.
Github Open Source Survey 2017

=> Encouraging user contributions is really important

and here are some more reasons why...

Developers might miss out steps

Step 2: Draw the rest of the *** owl
Internet legend, 2008?

Developers are familiar with more technical terminologies

Just clone the dev branch, add the grunt tasks and recompile...
Slightly made up example
Pigsels, CC-0

Users know what users expectations and needs are

How are people actually using your project? Is it the way you expected them to?

Users will actually want to use your documentation

The current state of ***'s software is the worst I've ever seen for any framework anywhere...I've repeatedly been reduced to searching through WWDC video transcripts to figure out where someone says something relevant to whatever I'm working on
Slashdot, October 2019

Step Four: Figure out what puts people off

High barriers to entry

Winsker, Pixabay

A standard docs toolchain:

Install the correct versions of java, python, maven, sphinx, sphinx-bootstrap-theme

Become a ReStructured Text ninja

Understand about GitHub Forks, Pull Requests, Reviews, and Commits

Then you can submit your first documentation change!

This applies to software in general these days

if you want to start building a full-stack web application in 2018, you may need to first install Node.js and the npm package manager, run a slew of npm commands to configure a custom toolchain with a CSS preprocessor and a JavaScript code bundler, adjust OS environment variables to detect all required library dependencies...
Using Operating-System-Wide Activity Tracing, Alok Mysore and Philip J. Guo

New contributors feel unwelcome

Negative experiences have real consequences for project health. 21% of people who experienced or witnessed a negative behavior said they stopped contributing to a project because of it
Github Open Source Survey 2017
Tom Hilton, Flickr, CC-By-2.0

Step Five: Figure out a better solution

Reduce barriers to entry

Allow easy ways for users to contribute

(Preferrably so they don't need to install additinal software)

Get their contributions live as quickly as possible

Acknowledge and encourage contributions, no matter how small


Attract and nurture existing technical writers

It is no trivial task to make complex information in the technical domain simple for users to understand and follow
Pintrest, yuck

Provide workflows that make it easier to write good documentation

Follow, learn from, and contribute to existing good practices

So, to summarise, this is important because...

Encouraging help with documentation for your project encourages empathy, and improves diversity

But I don't have time!!!1!11!

Michael Jastremski,

Enter Google Season of Docs

Matching technical writers with open source projects

For 3 or 6 months

So we thought...why not abstract that expertise and work to make something more generic?

Skeptical Cat, Flickr, CC-By-2.0

Step Six: Building an actual solution

The Good Docs Project

Aim #1: Identify all the elements of good documentation that a project needs

and provide best-practice resources and templates for each of them

Aim #2: An Open Source Minimal Viable Docset

Helping you to create a baseline set of docs for all stages of a project from initiation through to maturity

Aim #3: A community of writers, users and techies

Practical tips, advice, help for all parts of the process

Increasing quality and consistency, saving time for developers, democratising knowledge, and generallymaking the world a better place

Join us at | @thegooddocs | |

Thank You!

w: | t: @archaeogeek