Open Source GIS

Can you make a career out of "free"?

UCL, 2016

Jo Cook / @archaeogeek

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The Questions

Who is this person standing up here?

Who does she work for?

What do they do?

What technologies do they use?

What do they look for in new recruits?

Who is this person?

I've been using GIS in my work since 2001...

... with no relevant qualifications!

My education is in Maths and Underwater Archaeology

Jo Diving

Archaeologists have a lot of uses for GIS

Surveying Site
GIS in Archaeology

A lack of money for specialist software meant that I had to go to open source software to do my job

but at the time, this was hard work!




This lead to an involvement with the Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo)

Portable GIS at FOSS4G

and I set up a local branch (OSGeo:UK) to promote the use of open source GIS in the UK

Stanstead 2006

OSGeo:UK Meeting 1

Nottingham 2013

FOSS4G 2013


I've been at Astun Technology since March 2011

Astun Team

We have a software suite called iShare that allows people to easily create maps and spatial content on their website

Astun Software
Astun Stack

Who are our customers?

Councils, Local Authorities, Police Forces, Government Organisations, Mapping Companies...

Example Site: My Chichester
My Chichester

We also make bespoke sites


What software do we use?

software stack

We run training courses

QGIS Training

We help organisations with metadata


We run user groups

User Group

and Hackathons


Day to day questions we get asked

(live list on google docs)

What's important

... and what's not

General IT Skills are very useful

Networking and scripting (python, bash etc)


Command-line, trouble-shooting, Version Control (Git, Mercurial)

GIS skills need to be broad-based

Server-based databases, a good overview of packages and formats

Standards and web-optimised formats like json

Multi-purpose libraries and languages (OGR, Python)

police api

General people skills are the most important of all!



Task/Time Management

What's not so important

In-depth knowledge of a particular software package

Qualifications (sorry)

4 software packages to focus on


Increasingly used as a cost-effective replacement for proprietary databases

The basics of server-based, spatially enabled databases are roughly applicable to PostgreSQL, SQL Server and Oracle



A full replacement for proprietary desktop GIS

Fully cross-platform, with loads of support



Both open source and proprietary GIS use python

It has modules for working with rasters, vectors, databases and many more

You WILL be able to write working code within minutes of starting to use it!


Scripting: JavaScript

It's now possible to do sophisticated visualisation of GIS data directly in the browser

Check out three.js, Turfjs, and D3.js



The easiest way to learn about repositories and version control

It's not just for code- share documentation/presentations/data/your CV

Both proprietary and open source GIS companies have an increasing presence

My first GitHub commit

first commit

vaguely rude place names

Things to take away

Learning cross-platfrom tools will get you a step up, whatever area you go into

Scripting and SQL will provide a flexible and powerful alternative to desktop-GIS workflows

Superior Employment



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PS: Astun are recruiting SysOps Roles

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