Creating your first local repository

Folders and files are not version-controlled until we explicitly ask them to be. This process is called initialising a repository.

Firstly we need to create a folder to hold our files. We do this at the command prompt using the following syntax (referring back to here if necessary):

Linux or Mac

mkdir -p gitrepositories/gettingstartedwithgit


mkdir gitrepositories/gettingstartedwithgit

Where is this?

If you don't specify a location for this folder, then it will use a default location as follows:

OS Location
Windows using Git Bash C:\Users\yourname
Windows using GitHub Desktop C:\Users\yourname\Documents\GitHub
Linux /home/yourname
Mac using Git from XCode /Users/yourname
Mac using GitHub Desktop /Users/yourname/Documents

Now change directory to gettingstartedwithgit:

cd gitrepositories/gettingstartedwithgit

Initialise it as a repository:

git init

This might not appear to do anything but it creates a hidden folder called .git inside gettingstartedwithgit that contains the information Git needs to track your repository.

On windows, change your folder preferences to "always view hidden folders" so you can see this folder

That's all we can do until we start adding some files and making changes to them, so let's make a file:

Mac and Linux

touch blah.txt


type nul > blah.txt

This creates a blank text file called "blah.txt" in the folder.

At this point, we have enough in place to start committing to our repository.

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